Made in Melbourne

    Natural Homemade

    Bee Simple Links


    Rhubard Wholefoods (Seddon)Amazing food and local wholefood products. "Rhubarb Wholefoods advocates the health benefits of eating REAL, whole produce, as mother nature intended us to - Organic, Whole, Seasonal and as local as possible!"

    Skye Whole Food (Byron Bay) "Healthier desserts to make you smile. Whole food recipes, treats + happiness. MasterChef Australia Series2 + Author of Wild Sugar Desserts". If you're ever up north Skye go check her out!


    Sorbolene (Vegetable based)


    "Inspiration plus!! Michelle + Anthony produce their own honey, a divine bees wax skin care range Bee Simple, they grow their own veges AND they've set up a community garden across the road. I assume they can breathe under water too ."
    Skye Whole Food

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